Join Webring


Join Webring
Contact Ringmaster

Shown below is the form you need to fill out to join this webring. Also, there is the HTML code you will need to paste onto your site's homepage. You can paste it on now if you would like, but you will still be e-mailed the HTML code soon after.

Complete this form and click "Submit".

Site Title

Description (max 250 characters)

Keywords (optional; max 150 characters)

Site Entry URL

HTML Code URL (leave blank if same as entry URL)

Site ID (letters and/or digits)

Name (name of the new site's webmaster)

Email (email address of the new site's webmaster)


This is the HTML code you must paste to your website's homepage. You must edit it a little bit. If you know what your site ID is, replace the variable, which is $::siteid, with the ID of your site every time you see that exact variable. If you're not sure what you are doing, then just wait for the e-mail and the code will be already edited for you.

<table><tr><td style="background: black"><table cellpadding="5" border="2">
<td style="background: #d0d0d0">
<p align="center">
<a href=";siteid=$::siteid"
target="_top"><b>The Hip Hop Culture</b></a></p></td>
<td style="background: #d0d0d0"><p align="center">
<a href=";siteid=$::siteid" target="_top">Previous</a> | <a
href=";siteid=$::siteid" target="_top">List Sites</a> | <a
href=";siteid=$::siteid" target="_top">Next</a> | <a
href=";siteid=$::siteid" target="_top">Prev. 5</a> | <a
href=";siteid=$::siteid" target="_top">Random</a> | <a
href=";siteid=$::siteid" target="_top">Next 5</a>
<td style="background: #d0d0d0"><p align="center">
Powered by <a href="">CrickRock Webrings</a></p></td>

Having problems? E-mail me from the Contact Ringmaster page on this site. Thank you.

Is your site already in this webring? Edit your site by logging in below.

Site ID: